Grasses: to cut back or not to cut back?
Posted on September 20, 2017
As we get into late fall, many gardeners instinctively begin to clean up their gardens. Perennials get cut back, weeds get pulled or sprayed, and roses get mulched in. For these classic garden staples, fall care is often quick, fun, and devoid of thought. Grasses, however, do not share the same instinctive nature. Many customers call in this time of year wondering about their grasses. Should I cut them back? How do I keep them healthy? Thankfully, grasses could not be easier to take care of.

All ornamental grass can be left alone till early spring. Grasses provide winter interest in the landscape and shelter for the birds in the cold season. They will also perform much better when cut an inch or two from the ground in March or April.
Happy Gardening!