Van Wisdom: Which tomato should I use?

Choosing the type of tomato to grow for what you are making in the kitchen.
Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants… Garden Prep

Every great garden starts with great soil just like healthy soil grows healthy plants. Soil is just as much living as your plants and believe it or not they […]
Van Wisdom: What can go out and when?

We get this question a lot this time of year. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as simple as giving you a date—it’s driven by nighttime temperatures, so staying on top of […]
Van Wisdom: Caring for Your Tree

Trees do some impressive things for us – so we should do something for them right? Trees clean the air of carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen necessary for human […]
Happy 150th Arbor Day!

Someone said we should create a machine that soaks up all the carbon in the air and fixes back into the soil. The response is… we already have them! They […]
VanWisdom: Our New Van Wilgen’s Soil Mixes

Temperatures climbed higher this week and we’re itching to lay the foundations of a great garden. That foundation is your soil. However, your soil may not be perfect for your […]
Rose Care 101

Roses are synonymous with love and gardening! Rose enthusiasts are a discerning bunch –some gardeners go for conventional growing and some go the more organic route, but neither is right […]
VanWisdom: Soils 101–What, Where & When?

Most people probably don’t give too much thought to the ground beneath their feet, but green-fingered enthusiasts know all too well that understanding Soil 101 is vital to a healthy […]