Holiday Houseplants

Poinsettias aren’t the only holiday houseplants you can get for this special season! Whether you want to make your own mini ‘Charlie Brown’ tree, or just looking for some indoor […]

Start transitioning your houseplants and tropicals inside for the year! While these plants enjoy being outside to soak up the sun, it’s a good idea for them to come in before temperatures drop too low. When nighttime temperatures consistently dip below 50 degrees, bring heat-loving plants indoors.
Why Are My Evergreens YELLOWING?

One of the most common questions we get here in the fall at Van Wilgen’s is, “Why are my pines turning yellow? Are they sick?”
Thankfully, the answer is “no”.
It’s Time to Prep Your Fall Garden!

Late summer is an excellent time to plant seeds for fall harvest. While you’re enjoying your squash, tomatoes, and cucumbers, start thinking about what crops you may want in the […]
Attracting Pollinators

Did you know you can attract specific pollinators by planting their preferred flower color, shape, and odor? Based on these features, we can predict which plants each pollinator is most likely to visit based on these features!
It’s Time to Prune Spring Shrubs

Which Rose Type is Best For You?

Find the perfect variety of rose for your space! Whether you prefer large, elegant blooms or small space shrubs, we have it all.
FUEL your plants for more flowers!

The best way to keep your flowering plants flowering is food… marathon runners can’t run without the pasta dinner the night before, right? These flowering plants have a marathon in front of them because they will be flowering from now till frost.