The Best Perennials to Plant This June
Are you looking to expand your perennial gardens with fresh new plants for the summer? Look no further! In the spirit of June being National Perennial Month, we’ve curated a list of our favorite perennials to give your garden beautiful color and summer interest.
Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden!
Forget the thermometer, you know when the warm weather’s here when you see hummingbirds! Hummingbirds are incredibly smart little birds, capable of navigating great distances and clever enough to return to their previous summer’s feeding grounds.
Fertilizer Guide
he best way to keep your flowering plants in bloom and get a good harvest from your fruit and veggies is with food… marathon runners can’t run without the pasta dinner the night before, right? It’s the same for our plants – they have a marathon in front of them as they provide you with flowers or food all season long!
What’s the Deal With All These Maple Seedlings?
Have you noticed these leaves everywhere? Don’t worry, these are NOT poison ivy… they are maples!
The Top 5 Plants for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is just around the corner, falling on May 12th this year, and we have the best blooms to help you celebrate! Show Mom your appreciation with our exquisite selection of flowering hanging baskets, lilacs, annuals, and more.
Can this go Outside?
What can go outside and when? We get this question a lot this time of year. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as simple as giving you a date—nighttime temperatures drive it, so staying on top of the daily weather forecast is crucial.
Mulching 101
We have all heard the phrase ‘April Showers bring May Flowers’ but there are a few things we need to do to freshen up our gardens. April is the perfect time for spring clean-up!
Spring Container Recipes
Nothing says spring like a beautiful container of brightly colored flowers on your patio or along the walkway to your home. Add eye-catching color to your space with these recipe ideas, created by our talented greenhouse manager Darlene!