Rose Care
We want you to have beautiful roses. Roses that thrive make everyone happy. Remember there is not just one method of caring for roses. There are several. What works best […]
Tropical Paradise
I think we have all dreamed of being able to re-create that feeling we get when we are on vacation in the tropics. The large palms, beautiful flowering trees, and […]
Companion Plants for Hydrangeas
There’s no doubt that hydrangeas can hold their own in the garden. With big colorful blooms and beautiful green foliage, summer’s favorite flower makes a bold statement in any garden. […]
Knockout Summer Color
Customers routinely ask me for something that blooms all summer long with low maintenance. I usually push colorful annuals or long-blooming perennials. But what to suggest to folks who want […]
Coreopsis ‘Lil Bang’
It takes a lot to get our experienced group of plant nerds excited about a new plant. When you spend as much time living, breathing, and handling plant material as […]
Getting the Best out of Annuals
PUSH YOUR ANNUALS TO THE MAXIMUM THEY CAN HANDLE IT! (Annual plant care in containers) Push your annuals to the maximum this year. They can handle it. I promise! We […]
Get the Best Blooms
Large, beautiful hydrangeas are a great addition to any landscape. Their bold colors make them perfect for freshly cut or dried flowers. Getting off to the right start in the […]
Secrets for Tasty Tomatoes
A good tomato is hard to forget. You know you’ve hit the jackpot in that first, juicy bite. Every tomato has the potential to be great and some extra attention […]