Easy Orchid Care in 3 Steps

Orchids have become a houseplant fan favorite, and rightfully so. The indoor plants add a touch of the exotic to any home and bloom for weeks at a time. Plus, […]
Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden

We have seen the shadow of Spring! The white of winter snow will soon be a summer color. While you plan your spring planting, here are a couple of ideas […]
Notorious B.U.G

Hey, we got some notorious bugs comin’ at ya this spring. Keep your eyes open for these trouble makers. Here is the line-up: THE 4-LINED PLANT BUG is tearing it […]
Four Ways Gardening Improves Your Well-Being

Whether it’s practicing yoga, writing a journal, going on vacation, or taking an art class, everyone should have their release – something you can turn to when you feel stressed […]
Too Much Water?

It’s hard to believe that we are talking about too much water given a year ago all we talked about was how to water! What a difference a year makes. […]
Pretty in Pink

Everything’s pretty in pink! Our flock of flamingos will grow as pink week gets into full swing this week, June 12th thru the 18th. By now many of you know […]
Gypsy Moth Control

Two weeks ago, we got out of our car after a fun, family dinner. We were standing under the two, huge Oak trees in our yard. I have always loved […]
4-Lined Plant Bug

I saw it with my own eyes… the 4-Lined Plant Bug! This is the quick-moving culprit that is attacking my Montauk Daisy right now. I was working in the garden […]