Small Space Garden : Series Part II

The Eastern Redbud ( Cercis canadensis ) is a spring-flowering tree, native to the northeast. Its delicate lavender-pink flowers emerge late in April before the foliage develops and continue to […]
Sweet Strawberry

I was in a little bit of a jam last week, we were down a trailer because it was being serviced and I needed to move our mini excavator to […]
Beetles, beetles everywhere!

Have you ever been innocently working in your garden or enjoying a cocktail on your patio, when all of a sudden, “IN-COMING!” you get dive-bombed by a beetle that proceeds […]
Easy Summer Lawn Care

Summer is the best time to run barefoot through the grass. Who wants to wear shoes this time of the year? Step your bare tootsies onto the lawn and run […]
Can I Still Plant

One of the many questions we usually start hearing this time of year is “Can I still plant in the summer? We understand why people may be nervous but the […]

Every day at work I get asked, where are your wave petunias. As I take you all over, I ask the question. Why wave petunias? Most of you know only […]
Easy Herbs

Guess what guys?! Herbs are so easy! If you have never gardened before and you would like to make the foray into the world of gardening…go for it with herbs. […]
Keep your hanging baskets looking great all summer

Our top-secret formula for keeping our planters and baskets looking hot all summer long… has been leaked! It’s only mid-June, but already people are wondering what we do to keep […]