Drought Tolerant Perennials

With the recent extended period of dry weather, I thought this would be a great opportunity to highlight some of our Van Wilgen Grown, drought-tolerant perennials. While during the planting […]
Grow for the glory

July is here, with that comes fun times with all our family and friends. Some of my best memories are of all the family barbecues which generally started on the […]
5 veggies you can still plant

It’s never too late to start an edible garden. Different fruits and vegetables thrive in all types of conditions, so you’re bound to find the perfect fit for your garden, […]
Top 5 Hydrangea Picks

There is absolutely no debate the most asked for plant in the tree and shrub yard are hydrangeas! The great thing about hydrangeas is there is a perfect type for […]
Homegrown Goodness

Now that we are starting to see and enjoy some nice weather, my family’s container gardens at our house are starting to take off. My wife always requests that we […]
Hummingbird Heaven

Everyone loves to watch this beautiful bird. There are many ways to attract them to your yard. Let’s start with hummingbird feeders. There are feeders for hanging or with suction […]
4 Tips for Growing Blueberries

Pancakes, tarts, pies, we love adding blueberries to any recipe. And we’re not alone. Take advantage of the peak fruiting season this July to celebrate this delicious little berry. Health […]
3 Ways to Celebrate National Pollinator Week

National Pollinator Week is a time to give bees, birds, and bats a little recognition. Pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, play a big part in getting our gardens to […]