Why are my pines turning yellow?
One of the most common questions we get here in the fall at Van Wilgen’s is, “Why are my pines turning yellow? Are they sick?” The answer is, thankfully, no. […]
Many Hands make Light Work
We have so few fall days to get outside and enjoy the little bit of warmer weather we have left. Grab the whole family and finish up the last of […]
Fig Tree Winter Care
As the days get shorter it is now time to start thinking about what we need to do to over-winter our plants. While your plants have enjoyed being outside this […]
Citrus winter care
As the days get shorter it is now time to start thinking about what we need to do to over-winter our plants. While your plants have enjoyed being outside this […]
Aster ‘Purple Dome’
With the end of summer’s heat comes the beginning of fall’s color. I love asters and fall brings lots of them. A favorite of mine is Aster novae-angliae ‘Purple Dome.’ […]
Fall is the Perfect Time to Lime
Just because you can’t see it, does not mean it is not important. pH is probably the most significant soil factor in growing grass, flowers, and veggies. Do you know […]
What the Heck is Dormant Seeding and Can I do that?
You sure the heck can! Dormant seeding is not a common practice but I say, give it a whirl. The spring outcome can be very rewarding and the fall effort […]
Mum Buddies
September, the month we all generally associate with fall approaching. Here at the Garden Center, we are also gearing up for fall. Our pumpkins have arrived, the mums have come […]