Asessippi Lilac
Asessippi Lilac
Vigorous and easy to grow, ‘Asessippi’ will become your newest favorite Lilac when it shows off its outstanding, dense, full form in your landscape especially when its covered with flowers starting in early to mid May! Like all hyacinthiflora Lilacs, ‘Asessippi’ blooms much heavier than vulgaris types when young while maintaining what you love about any Lilac: loads of bloom, huge flowers, outstanding color and heavenly fragrance. With ‘Asessippi’, you’ll marvel at its beautiful lavender-pink blooms and you’ll marvel at how many are on each plant. There are enough that you can fill a vase or two in every room of you house while not even making a dent in the amount of bloom still on the plant! Plant this selection in full to half day sun, It is perfect for a border or specimen planting or near the corner of your house if you have the room so you can breathe in the magic this plant brings when it’s in bloom.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 12-15 Feet
- Spread: 8-12 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Featured Characteristics
Vigorous and easy to grow, ‘Asessippi’ will become your newest favorite Lilac when it shows off its outstanding, dense, full form in your landscape especially when its covered with flowers starting in early to mid May! Like all hyacinthiflora Lilacs, ‘Asessippi’ blooms much heavier than vulgaris types when young while maintaining what you love about any Lilac: loads of bloom, huge flowers, outstanding color and heavenly fragrance. With ‘Asessippi’, you’ll marvel at its beautiful lavender-pink blooms and you’ll marvel at how many are on each plant. There are enough that you can fill a vase or two in every room of you house while not even making a dent in the amount of bloom still on the plant! Plant this selection in full to half day sun, It is perfect for a border or specimen planting or near the corner of your house if you have the room so you can breathe in the magic this plant brings when it’s in bloom.
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 12-15 Feet
- Spread: 8-12 Feet
- Bloom Color: