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Tranquility English Rose
Tranquility English Rose
- David Austin Roses
- Fragrant
- Full Sun
- Green
- Moist
- Upright
- Well-Drained
- White
The English Musk Roses are notable for the perfection of their flowers and ‘Tranquillity’ lives up to this reputation. The flowers are of a beautifully rounded shape with neatly placed petals, making up a perfect rosette. The opening buds are lightly tinged with yellow but as the flowers open they become pure white. There is a light apple fragrance.The growth is upright, gradually curving outwards at the top. It has typical light green Musk Rose foliage and is almost thornless.
- Category:
- Breeder:
David Austin Roses
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-4 Feet
- Spread: 2-3 Feet
- Bloom Color:
White Shades
Featured Characteristics
- David Austin Roses
- Fragrant
- Full Sun
- Green
- Moist
- Upright
- Well-Drained
- White
The English Musk Roses are notable for the perfection of their flowers and ‘Tranquillity’ lives up to this reputation. The flowers are of a beautifully rounded shape with neatly placed petals, making up a perfect rosette. The opening buds are lightly tinged with yellow but as the flowers open they become pure white. There is a light apple fragrance.The growth is upright, gradually curving outwards at the top. It has typical light green Musk Rose foliage and is almost thornless.
- Category: Rose Shrub
- Breeder: David Austin Roses
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-4 Feet
- Spread: 2-3 Feet
- Bloom Color: White Shades