Deck the Halls!
It’s Christmas time!!, there’s nothing more exciting to me than decorating my home for the Christmas season.
Decorating should be fun, so put on some holiday music and let your imagination go.
Some of you will decorate with more of a classic style, and others will think outside the box just a bit more, like Trevor here at Van Wilgen’s. Did you know he has 9 trees set up in his house? Stop in our wreath room and talk to Trevor he has lots of cool ideas to help your tree or trees look amazing. Remember to have fun with it.
While Trevor likes to decorate with Lots of trees to get his holiday spirit on, I prefer to make my home festive by decorating with you guessed it, PLANTS!!
Our Poinsettias this year look amazing. So many colors to choose from, there’s something for everyone. Christmas red for the classic decorator and there’s even a blue for those thinking about something different. My favorite this year is one of our new poinsettias, the princettia series. The smaller and compact leaves give this poinsettia a stunning look. It is quickly becoming one of your favorites also as it is flying out the door fast this year.
You will need some companion plants to go along with your poinsettias, here’s a list of a few.
- Christmas cactus- colorful Christmas standard, everyone’s grandma had one years ago.
- Cyclamen-Lots of colors to choose from, gaining in popularity every year.
- Amaryllis- The large flowers on this plant are just stunning, and if your lucky and plan it perfectly they will bloom just in time for Christmas.
- Lemon cypress trees- These are for indoor use only. The color alone is a reason to have one, its lemony green color adds a great contrast in color to any holiday display, and the scent is oh so delicious.
- Norfolk Island pines- This is the perfect tree for those of you that want a real tree on a smaller scale. This is a tropical tree so it can not go outside when it’s cold. So, have fun decorating it for Christmas and afterward, you have a great houseplant for years to come.
There are even small 2 inch plants perfect for your office desk at work. Two of the favorites by far are the poinsettias and kalanchoes. Makes for a sweet little gift for someone.
Stop by, say hi, and get inspired to get your Christmas spirit on. Just walking into our greenhouse this time of year with all the colors going on in there will do just that.
Merry Christmas everyone